Vision and Mission Statement

Hamiltonsbawn Primary School is situated on an elevated site on the outskirts of the village of Hamiltonsbawn.
Our Vision
Our vision in Hamiltonsbawn Primary School is to create a calm, caring and safe environment where effective teaching and learning takes place.
Our Mission Statement
• To provide for the needs of each individual child, so that they receive the best possible education suited to their abilities so that the full potential of each child is realised.
• To commit to and provide a safe, secure and stimulating learning environment.
• To ensure inclusion and equality for every pupil.
• To work in partnership and actively encourage the integration of parents in the education of their children.
• To build upon and strengthen community links.
• To have high expectations of all our pupils, teachers and parents.
HHamiltonsbawn Primary School, 113 Annareagh Road, Hamiltonsbawn, BT61 9SA | T: 028 3887 0628 | E: