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Woods Primary School, Magherafelt

News - Mrs Mcllwaine

2018/2019 School Year

28th Jun 2019
We had such a super day in Gosford on Monday. We went for a walk and then had a play...
21st Jun 2019
Last Friday we had our last visit from Joanne and baby Daniel as part of our Roots...
10th Jun 2019
Well done to Luke and Indie who got the high five award from Aaron.
20th May 2019
Well done to our prize winners this month
20th May 2019
We had another special visit from baby Daniel, Joanne and Pauline. He has changed...
8th Mar 2019
On World Book Day we came to school in our pyjamas and slippers! We had such a lovely...
5th Mar 2019
Laura was our super baker today and was helped by the boys and girls. We loved the...
1st Mar 2019
We had another lovely visit today from Joanne and baby Daniel. Daniel has grown...
15th Feb 2019
For our homework this week the primary three children had to find out about an animal...