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Woods Primary School, Magherafelt

News - Roots of Empathy

2017/2018 School Year

2nd Oct 2017
Well done to all our prize winners in September.

2015/2016 School Year

7th Oct 2015
On a Wednesday afternoon over the past weeks art club has been meeting after school....
5th Oct 2015
We had our monthly awards for September in assembly on Friday. Our children have...

2014/2015 School Year

30th Jun 2015
All the news and events that have been happening this last term in school.
30th Jun 2015
All the news and events that have been happening this last term in school.
30th Jun 2015
Mrs. Morton has been with us all year in school teaching the primary 5/6 class....
11th Jun 2015
On Tuesday the P2/3 class had their final visit from baby Essie.  It is hard...
30th Apr 2015
The P2/3 class had another visit this week from baby Essie and her mum Lyndsey. ...
26th Mar 2015
We had another visit from baby Essie and her mum this week.  Essie has really...
26th Jan 2015
The P2/3 class have been taking part in the Roots of Empathy program throughout...